more icelandic horse horrible riding. What is the problem.... is this horse so untrained it takes brutality to handle it? Who would have thought someone could make a simple snaffle bit an instrument of torture.... sheesh!
Janice McDonald resides in a tiny Northwest Florida Hamlet just north of Fountain Florida and South of Dothan Alabama. She is employed as a bureaucrat and Govt. Professor and has many interesting and amazing views on the way things are, and should be. Everyone tells her she should write a book but New York publishers are not interested in publishing interesting writers anymore because times are hard and they can't take a risk and publish anyone unless they are already Stephen King or Danielle Steel. Janice owns several horses of various gaited breeds, one donkey, Curly Ray, who has his own blog, two parrots, three dogs, several chickens and geese and three cats.
It takes a big strong man to control a fuzzy little pony! Yee Hawww
Biglick vs Bell Boots
Tennessee Walking Horses Wear Padded Weighted Shoes Icelandic horses wear padded weighted bell boots Tennessee Walking Horses wear long shanked bits Icelandic Horses do too, along with tight dropped nosebands cutting off all air so they can't breathe Tennessee Walking Horses are ridden in a chair seat so that rider weight on the loins causes pain, ventroflexion of the back and a racking gait Icelandic horses are ridden in tight, illfitting narrow saddles by riders sitting on the loins which causes pain, ventroflexion of the back and a racking gait. Tennesee Walking Horses are ridden with tight reins cranking the head into an unnatural position to force gait Icelandic Horses are ridden with tight reins cranking the head into an unnatural position to force gait. The smooth natural signatire gait of the Tennessee Walking Horse has been bred nearly into extinction by the biglick show influences. Icelandic Horses are being bred to have more slender, refined bodies and long graceful necks more reminiscent of a tiny saddlebred than a sturdy, stocky and compact icelandic pony. You cannot alter conformation in a gaited horse without sacrificing gait. Icelandic studs and mares have been given high breeding evaluation scores based on heavy mane, and forced unnatural gait while having bad legs and other serious conformation flaws.
Can you think of anymore comparisons? Post them here!
Which is worse, being fat, or stupid and mean?
Do you feel all show horses are abused in order to reach the WGC level?
Amazing Observation:
Every horse breed is being tremendously abused in the show ring. In order to win the winner has to practice more and more painful acts of abuse on the horse. AQHA peanut rollers actually drain blood to create lethargy. Paso Finos tails are nerve blocked. TWHs, oh we know all about soring... but when abuse is discovered it just makes the abusers look for more secretive methods that are not so readily available. Contact your registry and demand more versatility "play-day" type competitions in the show ring, more trail obstacle classes where any device of any kind is not allowed and horses must be shown natural... let them know how you feel, speak out against soring of any kind!!
If the one elected as president wants to make a real difference and change in this country he needs to take a chronological record of all action taken by the Bush administration from day one, and do the exact opposite for eight years. Katrina was a bigger disaster than 911 only we werent attacked by terrorists, we were left to die like drowned rats by our own inept administration. Its better now, but why did it have to get so bad to change? During hurricane andrew, during another administration, FEMA ran like a well oiled machine. Then it was completely dismantled by idiotic cronyism, the fired ex director of the arabian horse association named FEMA director by bush for godssakes... so that when katrina came it was chaos, a comedy of errors. many lives were lost and how can you fix that?!